Rankin Inlet, Summer 2018

Bettina Spreng, PhD, Linguistics
Among theoretical linguists, I neither fancy myself a semanticist, nor a pure-blooded syntactician. My main interests lie in interface phenomena. I am mostly interested in how any changes in case-agreement configurations impact the semantics of the clause. Here, I'm mainly interested in verb semantics such as aspect and tense. I've investigated the syntax and semantics of antipassives, passives, and lately noun incorporation structures.
I have been fascinated by Inuktitut and its properties since I stumbled into an intro class to Inuktitut during my MA in Germany and it is the main reason I continued on with a PhD in Canada.
Generally, I prefer working on any so-called understudied language, simply because they are often also languages that are in danger of dying out before we can say anything meaningful about them.