Rankin Inlet, Summer 2018
PUBLICATIONS (downloadable)
2016. Aspect Contrasts in Inuktitut. Amerindia, 201-232
2012. Viewpoint Aspect in Inuktitut: On the Syntax and Semantics of Antipassives. Dissertation. University of Toronto
2010. On the Conditions for Antipassives. Language and Linguistics Compass Volume 4, Issue 7, pages 556–575, July 2010
2009. (with Michael Barrie): Noun Incorporation and the progressive in German. Lingua 119.2, 374-388
2008. Events in Inuktitut: voice alternations and viewpoint aspect. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Chicago
Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 473-487
2006. Antipassive morphology and case assignment in Inuktitut. Alana Johns, Diane Massam, & Juvanel Ndayiragije (eds.).
Ergativity: Emerging Issues, Kluwer: Dordrecht
2016. Progressives in Swabian: Some evidence for noun-incoroporation, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association, Calgary
2015. (with Veronika Makarova): Chapter 5: Syntax. In Makarova, Veronika. Linguistic Universe: An Introduction to Linguistics,
Kendall: Vancouver, BC​
2005. (with Midori Hayashi): Is Inuktitut tenseless? Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association
2005. Third Person Arguments in Inuktitut. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the Languages
of the Americas 10, UBCWPL 17, eds. Armoskaite, Solveiga and James J. Thompson. 215-225
2004. How to derive a verb: Syntactic objects in Inuktitut. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the
Languages of the Americas 2004, UBCWPL vol. 15, University of British Columbia, 93-106
2004. Error patterns in the acquisition of German Plural Morphology: Evidence for the relevance of grammatical gender as a cue.
Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 23.2, 147-172
2001. Antipassive and Distributed Morphology. Proceedings of CLA 2000, Cahiérs Linguistique d’Ottawa University of Ottawa, 339-346
2001. Little v in Inuktitut: Antipassive revisited. Linguistica Atlantica 23, 155-190
2001. The Passive in Basque. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Niagara Linguistic Society 2000,
University of Toronto. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 19, 87-106
2000. Plural in German: A Test Case for Late Insertion. Proceedings of WECOL 12, State University of Fresno, 467-477
Presentations, posters, and handouts
AM-Progressives in Swabian: Some evidence for Noun Incorporation, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association, Calgary
AM-Progressives in Swabian: Some evidence against a PP analysis, Berkely Germanic Linguistics Roundtable
Am-Progressives in Swabian: The status of am, Third Prairie Workshop on Languages and Linguistics, First Nations University, Regina
(with Saila Michael). Reflexives in South Baffin Inuktitut. 19th Inuit Studies Conference, Université Laval, Quebec City
(with Peter Wood). Language Teaching Technologies and the Aboriginal Languages, First Nations Language Keepers' Conference 2014
Why Telicity cannot be imperfective: Telicity judgments reconsidered. TOM 5, University of Ottawa, Poster
Default Viewpoint Aspect without Tense: The case of Inuktitut, Semantics of Understudied Languages of the Americas 7,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Poster
Viewpoint Aspect and Lexical Aspect: The role of punctuality, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association, Waterloo
(with Midori Hayashi): The Syntax of Tense: Evidence from Inuktitut. Chronos 7, Antwerp
(with Midori Hayashi): Voice Alternations, Tense and Aspect in Inuktitut, TAM TAM 2006, Nijmegen